Manage1to1 is fully ClassLink Rostering certified

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Manage1to1 is excited to have received full ClassLink Rostering Certification on our platform. This allows districts who are partnered with ClassLink, and who utilize their rostering, to integrate with Manage1to1 for Student and Staff user synchronization with ease.

Setting up Manage1to1 has never been easier. Simply grant Manage1to1 access to your district via your ClassLink portal, login to Manage1to1 and input your Tenant ID, and press Sync. That’s It! You can have your entire district including buildings, staff and students, loaded into Manage1to1 in under 60 seconds!

Already a Manage1to1 District? Contact support today and we can assist with changing the integration to ClassLink

Thinking about using Manage1to1? Contact our sales team to answer any questions! Schedule a walkthrough or view our live demo now! See how easy it is to manage your devices, students and 1:1 data from true K-12 experts, with years of experience in K12!

View our documentation on the integration process and see how simple it really is!

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