Preparing your District for a 1:1

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With the pandemic amongst us, it is leaving many districts questioning on how they will be opening for the 2020-2021 school year. Many schools are going to be relying even more on technology in their districts and the technology departments. For districts already employing a 1:1 deployment, the transition to more online-based learning is likely going to be a more relaxed process. For districts who are suddenly being thrown a new objective by administration, this may seem like a really daunting task! Regardless of your preparedness in the district, this leaves additional challenges that you must now overcome. The easiest problem to solve is the asset management, better phrased as who own’s what device. This can be accomplished with an Excel spreadsheet, Google Sheets document, or even just writing it down on a piece of paper. But how do you handle historical devices? How do you handle damage that comes in? How do you provide the student or staff member with a loaner device in the meantime, without losing track of what they had before? This is where it becomes important to have a fully functioning system to keep track of all of these things in the most effortless manner possible.

Our team’s combined 30+ years of K-12 experience is sure to provide some useful insight on planning your 1:1 deployment. All of our team members at Manage1to1 have worked at several Public K-12 districts and all have been involved in starting a 1:1 deployment from the ground up in those districts.

Over the next several weeks we will be posting helpful articles on how you can improve your existing 1:1 deployment or get prepared to start a new one! Stay tuned!

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